Ummah™ Center School Parent Support Group Bylaws
The name of this body is the Ummah™ Center School Ummah™ Center School Parent Support Group. It is also commonly known and will be referred to in these bylaws as the UCS PSG.
Section 1.
The objectives of the UCS PSG are:
- To promote the welfare of UCS students, in school, and throughout the Ummah™ Center community;
- To promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of UCS students.
- To engage the UCS community in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of all UCS students.
- To supplement programs already provided by the UCS, by coordinating with the current UCS teachers under the direction of UCS administration.
Section 2.
The purposes of PSG are promoted through an advocacy and educational program directed toward parents, and teachers, developed through conferences, committees, projects, and programs; and governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in Article III.
The following are basic policies of PSG:
- The PSG shall be noncommercial, and nonpartisan;
- The PSG shall work with the Ummah™ Center School staff to support providing quality education for all UC students under the discretion of the school administration.
- The PSG shall work to promote the health and welfare of UCS students, and shall seek to promote collaboration between parents, school, and the UC community.
- No part of the net earnings of the group shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, trustees, officers, or other private persons.
- The association or members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
Section 1.
- Membership in PSG shall be open, without discrimination, to all parents and teachers of UCS.
- Membership, and thereby voting rights will be revoked for any persons who no longer work for UCS or are not a parent of at least one child currently enrolled at UCS.
The officers of PSG shall be president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer. Additional positions can be proposed to the school administration and then returned to the members to be created only with a majority vote in the affirmative.
Section 1.
- All PSG members have an equal right to nominate persons for officer, or other open positions.
- All PSG members have an equal right to cast a single vote in elections.
- Officers will be elected by ballot.
- The elected officer will be the person receiving the greatest number of votes.
- If a tie occurs, the position shall be decided by ballot or toss a coin as determined by the voting body.
- Elections for officer positions will take place annually, between August 15th and May 15th
- Officer responsibilities will take effect from September 15th through September 14th the following year.
- If a position becomes vacant outside this timeframe, a special election can be held to fill any vacancies. The elected person will be the one receiving the greatest number of votes.
- Special elections must be held within 10 days of a position becoming vacant.
- An officer cannot hold office for more than one year.
- An officer cannot hold different office positions for more than two terms in total.
- A single term is defined as the period between September 15th-September 14th of the following year.
Section 1. This committee shall be composed of the President, The President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or upon written request of two members with two days’ notice to each member of the Executive Committee.
Section 3. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 4. The Executive Committee shall:
- Supervise and take such action as the Executive Committee deems appropriate to assure directives are carried out;
- Approve and manage the yearly budget; and
- Have the authority to adopt rules for the transaction of its business, not in contradiction with the current bylaws.
Section 5. If a PSG officer or person elected to any position within the PSG at any time ceases to meet the qualifications or fulfill the duties of the position, that person may be removed by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the members of the PSG, providing a voting window of 7 days.
Section 6. Officers shall meet at least four times during the year.
Section 7. Special meetings may be called by the President or the school principal or upon written request by three members upon five day notice to each committee member.
Section 8. At all meetings of the PSG, a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 9. Upon the expiration of the term of office or when an individual ceases to hold the position that entitles him to be a member of the Board, he shall automatically cease to be a member of the Board and shall be relieved of all duties and responsibilities incident to such membership. All records, books and other materials pertaining to the position shall be turned over to the President and all funds pertaining to the position shall be returned to the Treasurer within fourteen days.
Section 1.
The President shall:
- The President shall preside over meetings of the PSG and Executive Committee, serve as the primary contact for the Principal, represent the PSG in the community, and coordinate the work of all the officers so that the objectives of the PSG is served. The President may serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee for one (1) term after his/her term as President expires.
- Perform the duties pertaining to the office that lead in setting the direction of the organization in collaboration with the school administration. The president shall also perform other duties including ad hoc roles according to standing rules and job descriptions;
- Approve all material and form letters for distribution; and
- Serve as a liaison between the PSG and the Board of Education when needed and may be invited to attend Board meetings when need arises.
Section 2.
The President-Elect shall:
- Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president in the absence of the president or his/her ability to act;
- Work under and in cooperation with the president and perform duties as assigned by the president;
- Perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, standing rules, and job descriptions; and
- After serving one (1) term as President-Elect, he/she will serve as President during the subsequent school year.
Section 3.
The Secretary shall:
- Document meeting minutes of all meetings and uploaded to the shared drive within three days after each meeting;
- Be a custodian of all recorded meetings minutes in a permanent file, accessible to all current PSG members;
- Notify members of their election to office and other created positions; and
- Perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, standing rules, and job descriptions.
Section 4.
The Treasurer shall:
- Maintain a full account of the funds of the PSG;
- Keep a full and accurate account of the receipts, reimbursements and disbursements in documents belonging to the PSG;
- Present an annual report of the financial condition of the PSG;
- Prepare an annual report for audit; and
- Perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, standing rules, and job descriptions.
Section 1. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall become President and shall hold office for the balance of the term. In filling the vacancy, the Vice President shall be entitled to continue in the presidency for the following term providing not more than one-half of a full term as President has been served. The vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled at the next meeting by the voting body.
Section 2. The Board shall fill all vacancies of the Board except in the office of President and Vice President. If more than one candidate is nominated, voting shall be by ballot. The election to fill a vacancy shall take place within ten days of the vacancy.
The fiscal year of the PSG shall be from September 15th through September 14th of the following year.
Members of the executive committee shall be indemnified for any cost, expenses or liability incurred as a result of the performance of the duties as provided in the Ohio Revised Code.
Section 1. PSG Bylaws may be amended or revised at any time by a majority vote given adherence to the following process.
1. Proposals for amendments to the bylaws may be submitted by PSG members to the executive committee.
2. The executive committee should vote on the proposed amendments.
3. If passed, the present the proposed amendments to the UCS administration for initial approval or suggested revisions within 10 days of its receipt.
4. If approved, the executive committee should put proposals to the UCS PSG members for voting.
Section 1. All communications with the general body shall be accessible to all PSG, UCS administration, and Board of Education members.