Boys Uniform
- Young men are encouraged to wear dark blue polo shirts. Turtlenecks, mock turtlenecks, and Henley (front-buttoning knit) shirts are acceptable.
- Pants must be clean, neat, and in good condition. Excessively baggy pants are not permitted.
- Hair must be neatly groomed at all times and not be longer than collar length.
- No visible piercing is allowed except for earrings for young ladies.
Girls Uniform
- Pants are preferred due to recess and physical education activities, khaki jumpers are permitted.
- Long dresses or skirts (to the ankle) may be appropriate ONLY for special occasions.
- Blouses and shirts should be modest in appearance. Tunic (knit) tops may not be worn. Crop tops (above the abdomen) and net shirts are not permitted.
- Sheer blouses are not permitted.
Hair must always be clean and neat. Extreme hairstyles, colors, or decorations are unacceptable. - Spandex leggings or form-fitting pants are not acceptable unless worn under a knee long jumper.
Our Values





We Appreciate Our Generous Donors and Sponsors
Donating to an Islamic School gives you the unique opportunity to address all three deeds that our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told us will live on after death. Your donations help us expand our walls, provide an exceptional education, and empower our children to be leaders who are confident in their faith. “When a human being dies, all one’s deeds cease, save three: a Sadaqah Jariyah, [religious] knowledge [one leaves behind] from which others benefit, and a righteous child who prays for one” (Muslim).